You must do everything possible to avoid work-related lawsuits, but obtaining Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) to protect your business from workers who believe their legal rights as employees of the company have been violated, is a vital backstop. Here are eleven important things your company should be aware of in order to reduce your exposure to a potential lawsuit:
It may be illegal for an employer to fire a worker to deprive him/her of large commissions, vested pension rights, a year end bonus or other expected financial benefits.
- It may be illegal for companies to fire workers who return to work after an illness, pregnancy or jury duty.
- It may be illegal to fire workers who complain about a safety violation or other wrongdoing.
- It may be illegal to fire a worker in a manner inconsistent with company handbooks, manuals, written contracts and disciplinary rules.
- It may be illegal to fire a worker who is over 40, belongs to a protected minority, or is a female, primarily because of such personal characteristics.
- It may be illegal to fire a worker who received a verbal promise of job security or other rights which the company failed to fulfill.
- It may be illegal to fire a long-term worker when the punishment does not fit the crime and other workers were not similarly treated.
- It may be illegal if an employer fails to act according to the terms of a written employment contract.
- Avoid firing workers for “job performance” who have received excellent performance reviews and appraisals and have been given copies of such performance reviews; never inflate performance evaluations for this reason.
- When possible, try to obtain an employee’s resignation rather than be fired. When workers resign they often waive claims to unemployment and other severance benefits.
- Confirm all severance arrangements in writing to document the final deal that has been made. Be sure a release is prepared and signed by the terminated worker to protect your company.
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